Comprehensive REST-based web services to enable amazing ideas
Manage your Lumen Cloud servers from anywhere with an industry-leading API offering. Manage servers, deploy advanced environment templates via Blueprints, create accounts, view invoices, add public IP addresses, and much more through a SOAP and HTTP API that supports both XML and JSON for all operations.
API Web services accept and return XML or JSON
The cloud server API includes all of the operations necessary to create, modify, delete, snapshot, archive, restore, and issue power commands against a server.
Get the details of a network including the gateway, network mask, list of IP addresses and host data center. Add or release a public IP.
Create, update, suspend and delete accounts in the Lumen Cloud. Also create, update, suspend and delete individual users within an account.
Create, archive, delete, and issue power commands against groups and/or individual servers.
Use the API to retrieve and publish blueprints that make up self-contained server environments.
Look up current server/group charges, estimated monthly charges, past invoices and more in this easy-to-use billing API.
Customers can view and interact with their cloud servers from within their own custom applications and workflows.
Retrieve billing information programmatically and load into on-premises financial systems for month-end reports or estimation analysis.
Infrastructure providers can offer Lumen Cloud services through their own branded web portals.
Create new cloud users as part of your existing employee onboarding process.
View our step-by-step guides to programmatically perform the same actions as the Control Portal.
Enterprise-grade public cloud servers available on-demand for legacy and greenfield business applications.
Experts at the ready to maintain and administer your cloud deployments. Rapid provisioning, hourly billing, and highly automated.
For large-scale cloud applications, store and manage your files in a highly-scalable, fault-tolerant distributed database.
Redundant, scalable, high speed connectivity bandwidth with "no commit" utility pricing.
Ensure maximum uptime and reliability, the Lumen Cloud offers a portfolio of cloud load balancers to meet the unique requirements of your apps.