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Updating Your User Profile

Updated by Matthew Ordman on Feb 19, 2019
Article Code: kb/851

How to update your User Profile

1: Click your current User Name in the upper right hand corner of the Control Portal.

2: Select "My Account" in the dropdown menu.

3: Once you are in the User Profile window, select the field you wish to change. When selected, the field will turn light blue, and the field's data becomes editable.

4: Update the data you wish to change.

5: Click the green "Save" button once you are satisfied with the changes you've made.

Required Fields

  • User Name

  • Password

  • PIN

  • Email address

  • First and Last name

Additional information, such as title and phone number(s), can be provided optionally.

Fields That Cannot be Edited

  • User Name

SAML Profile

Customers who have integrated Lumen Cloud with an authentication solution that uses Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) may also update their SAML username through the User Profile. Find out more about using SAML for single sign-on or multi-factor authentication.

Important Notes

Updating a Password

A password can be changed any time. Go to the User Profile window and select the Password field. Input a password that is at least eight characters in length and contains at least one number and one special character.

Updating a PIN

A user is assigned a PIN at the time the user profile is created. You can customize your PIN at any time by navigating to the User Profile window and selecting the PIN field. A PIN can be between 4 and 10 numeric characters.

Deleting a User Profile

A User Profile may be deleted by an account administrator, but this will cause issues if you want to reuse the same username. A custom request needs to be filed by emailing help@ctl.io. Lumen Cloud management approval is required.