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Partner Cloud: Getting Started with a New Azure Customer Account

Updated by Kevin Quaintance on Oct 28, 2022
Article Code: kb/7


Cloud Application Manager (CAM) offers the Cloud Integration feature. This feature enables you to transfer cloud services from Azure to Lumen™. When you transfer cloud services from Azure to Lumen, you can access and manage your cloud using Lumen products and services.


Lumen is limited to serving billable customers who are not resellers or customers of resellers with offices within the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Also, the associated Lumen Cloud account cannot be a demo account. If you need special considerations for setting up an account, use the links provided within the Cloud Application Manager portal to open a support ticket.


To transfer cloud services from Azure to Lumen, you must:

  • Accept Lumen's and Microsoft's Terms and Conditions for each Lumen Cloud account integrated with Azure. Contact a Lumen representative for a current list of countries that Lumen supports.

  • Have horking knowledge of how to use Cloud Application Manager providers.

  • Understand the features and benefits of Partner Cloud Integration.

  • Identify your existing Azure Administrator.

  • Ensure you have access to Cloud Application Manager.

  • Be an administrator of the organization or Cost Center administrator in Cloud Application Manager.

  • Create a user with the name of “admin” on the customer domain directory before synchronizing the provider.

  • Disable multifactor authentication (MFA) in the admin user or global administrator prior to synchronizing with the provider.


To successfully use the benefits of integrating CAM with Azure account, be aware of the following constraints:

  • You may only have a single Microsoft Tenant under your CAM Organization.

  • One Brownfield subscription may exist per CAM Organization. All other subscriptions must be Greenfield.

Completing the Microsoft Azure New Provider form

Use CAM to create new Azure customer accounts to integrate with Lumen cloud services.

  1. Log in to the CAM portal.

  2. Click Providers, then click New*.

  3. The New Provider form opens. Required fields are marked with red asterisks.

  4. Select Microsoft Azure from the Provider drop-down.

  5. Type a custom name for the provider in the Name field.

  6. Type an appropriate description in the Description field.

  7. Select Create a new Azure customer account from the Type radio button. This Cloud Integration option begins the process of creating a new Azure account. The account is transferred to the scope of Lumen’s responsibility.

  8. Type the email address that receives information related to provider provisioning in the Address field.

  9. Type the primary Azure domain name for your subscription in the Azure primary domain field. For example, If the username for the domain portal.azure.com is “@1234.onmicrosoft.com”, type 1234.onmicrosoft.com in the field. This domain name enables Lumen to recognize your subscription after it migrates to the scope of Lumen’s responsibility.

  10. Select the Authorization checkbox.

  11. Click Save.

    Microsoft Azure Provider

After the account is created, Azure usage charges appear on Lumen invoices.

Setting up a new Cloud Application Manager provider

Use CAM to set up a new Cloud Application Manager provider. This process creates a new Azure account and subscription and must be completed by the organization administrator. These subscriptions fall within the scope of Lumen's responsibility.
Videos of this process can be found in the Getting Started Guides.

  1. Log into Cloud Application Manager.

  2. Click the Providers tab.

  3. Click New.

  4. In the Provider drop-down, select Microsoft Azure.

    Microsoft Azure Provider

  5. Type a unique name for the provider in the Name field. This is the name of the subscription in Azure.

  6. Type a descripti9on of the provider in the Description field.

  7. Select Create a new Azure customer Subscription. If this option is unavailable, you are not an organization Administrator.

  8. Type the email address that receives information related to provider provisioning in the Address field.

  9. Type the primary Azure domain name for your subscription in the Azure primary domain field. For example, If the username for the domain portal.azure.com is “@1234.onmicrosoft.com”, type "1234.onmicrosoft.com" in the field. This domain name enables Lumen to recognize your subscription after it migrates to the scope of Lumen responsibility.

    Microsoft Azure Provider

  10. Accept the Terms and Conditions.

  11. Click Save. The automated process takes approximately two minutes to complete the following actions:

  • Provides Microsoft your account details

  • Creates an Azure customer account on your behalf

  • Creates a Microsoft Azure Subscription for that customer account

  • Grants Cloud Application Manager the appropriate permissions to work on your behalf

  • Creates three deployment policies in your organization. These policies are visible within the Boxes tab in CAM.

    Azure Deployment Policies

Retrieving admin account credentials

Administrators of the first optimized Azure subscription use CAM to receive administrative credentials and a login URL during provider provisioning. This user will receive the Owner role for the first subscription and all subsequent subscriptions created in Cloud Application Manager. Only one administrative user is created per CAM customer.

  1. Log in to Cloud Application Manager.

  2. Click the Providers tab.

  3. Click the provider you want to work with.

  4. Click Show Credentials. The Admin Credentials window appears.

    Admin Credentials

Using CAM to grant an Azure provider temporary access to the Azure portal

Use CAM to grant an Azure provider temporary access to the Azure portal.

  1. Log in to Cloud Application Manager.

  2. Click the Providers tab.

    Microsoft Azure Provider

  3. Click the Azure provider you want to work with. The provider page opens.

    Microsoft Azure Provider

  4. Click Portal Access. The temporal user is created with Contributor level access and is available to use for 24 hours. The user is deleted and can no longer access the Azure portal after 24 hours.

    Microsoft Azure Provider

Contacting Cloud Application Manager Support

If you are experiencing an issue with Cloud Application Manager, please review the troubleshooting tips, or contact Cloud Application Manager support and provide details and screenshots where possible.

For issues related to API calls, send the request body along with details related to the issue.

In the case of a box error, share the box in the workspace that your organization and Cloud Application Manager can access and attach the logs.

  • Linux: SSH and locate the log at /var/log/elasticbox/elasticbox-agent.log
  • Windows: RDP into the instance to locate the log at ProgramDataElasticBoxLogselasticbox-agent.log