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Partner Cloud Integration: Lumen Azure Reserved Instance Strategy

Updated by Ben Swoboda on Sep 28, 2018
Article Code: kb/1163


Lumen Cloud Application Manager's Cloud Integration offers consolidated billingto make payments easy. Part of consolidated billing and Partner Requirements require Azure Virtual Machine Reserved Instances.


Users of accounts that already have or are considering Cloud Application Manager's Integration of Azure. This is for all new standard Azure accounts created through Cloud Application Manager and any existing account moving into Lumen's care who have bought Azure Virtual Machine Reserved Instances.


For a new Azure Account:

  • The customer must have reviewed the process for creating a new Azure account and is thinking about buying Azure Reserved Instances.

For an existing Azure Account:

  • The customer must have reviewed the process for transferring an existing Azure account

  • The customer has purchased Azure Reserved Instances or is thinking about buying Azure Reserved Instances.

Important Information

To purchase a Virtual Machine Reserved Instance

Customer Reserved Instances

Please review the process for migrating an existing Azure account, specifically the "Considerations" section.

  • Review Microsoft documentation, especially regarding determining right size and the required fields.

  • Review Microsoft's Calculator to help you determine expected costs.

  • Submit a support request to Lumen with the following information:

Your intent
Subscrption desired to pay for the reservation
Scope: Shared or single subscription
Term: 1 or 3 years
VM Cores:
VM Type/Category:
  • If there is any question, Lumen staff will confirm with you.

  • Once Lumen has purchased on your behalf, the Reserved Instance will be visible in your Azure portal.

Azure Reserved Instance Initial Purchase Fee

Azure allows customers to buy Reserved Instances All Upfront. The fee will always appear on the next month's invoice from which it was purchased.

Reassignments, Cancelations, or Exchanges

  • Review Microsoft documentation regarding Cancelations or Exchanges.

  • Submit a support request to Lumen with the following information:

Your intent
Validation info: 
* Subscrption where Reserved Instance was purchased
* Scope: Shared or single subscription
* Region: 
* Original Term: 1 or 3 years
* VM Cores:
* VM Type/Category:
* VM RAM: 
  • If there is any question, Lumen staff will confirm with you.