Getting Started with Managed Tomcat

Updated by Jared Ruckle on Oct 26, 2022
Article Code: kb/949

Apache Tomcat is an open source software implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. As a collaboration of best-of-breed developers from around the world, Apache Tomcat has rapidly become one of the leading Web servers. Here's how to create a managed Tomcat environment in Lumen Cloud.

NOTE: Before you can deploy Managed Tomcat, you must create a Managed Red Hat server.

1. Log on to the Control Portal. Using the left side navigation bar, click Orchestration > Blueprints Library. Click the “CLC Managed Apache Tomcat” Blueprint.

2. Click the DEPLOY BLUEPRINT button.

3. Fill out the appropriate details for the CLC Managed Apache Tomcat Blueprint.

NOTE: Please choose the same server for both the Installation and Registration of Managed Apache Tomcat. This server must have Managed Red Hat installed, otherwise the Blueprint will fail.

Ensure that the appropriate services that are included within Apache Tomcat are installed, i.e., Tomcat v7, Tomcat v8 or Tomcat v8.5.

4. Verify that the information is correct.

5. Once verified, please click the DEPLOY BLUEPRINT button. You will be presented with the deployment details along with an email stating the Blueprint has been queued.

You will receive an email that your Blueprint has been installed when the Blueprint is complete.

NOTE: The server now has the Managed Apache software installed and activated.


Q: How is the Lumen Cloud for Managed Apache Tomcat priced?

A: Lumen Cloud Web Software for Apache is priced by the VM, billed hourly.

Q: Can the customer have multiple Apache Tomcat Instances installed on the same server?

A: No, however all versions of Tomcat support the installation and configuration of "Multiple JVM's" on the same Tomcat server.

Q: What Versions of Apache Tomcat does Lumen Cloud support?

A: Lumen Cloud Supports Tomcat V7, Tomcat v8 and Tomcat v8.5.

Q: What operating systems are supported for Managed Apache?

A: Managed Red Hat.

Q: Can *Un-managed* Tomcat Services be converted to *Managed* (or vice versa)?

A: This capability is not available at this time.