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Monitors for Managed Apache HTTPd Server

Updated by Jared Ruckle on Oct 14, 2014
Article Code: kb/953

The table below lists the supported monitors for the Managed Apache HTTPd Server service.




Process Monitor

Verifies that Apache is running; if process is not running will automatically restart service. If this fails an alarm will be generated to Operations for resolution.

1 Min

Response Time

The amount of time it takes the Apache HTTPd server to respond to a simple request. The threshold is configurable. The default is greater than 2.00 seconds.

5 Min

Requests Per Second

Enabled Monitors the number of requests per second, if past a default value (75) this will throw an alert to Operations.

5 Min

Total Accesses

Watches total number of pages accesses; if greater than 100,000 in a 5 minute window will throw an alert to Operations.

5 Min

Authentication failures

Alerts Operations in the event an authentication fails.

5 Min

Log “error”

Monitors web server log for all Errors.


Log “fail”

Monitors web server log for all Failures.


Log “warn”

Monitors web server log for all warnings.


Log custom check

Customer is able to define custom defined log keyword checks in log entries.


Busy Workers %

Monitors the percentage of busy works versus max clients. The threshold is configurable. The default threshold is >99%

5 Min

Clients in Keep Alive %

Monitors the percentage of clients in keep alive state versus max clients. The threshold is configurable. The default threshold is >25%.

5 Min

Clients in DNS Lookup %

Monitors the percentage of clients in the dns lookup state versus max clients. The threshold is configurable. The default threshold is >25%.

5 Min

Clients in Logging %

Monitors the percentage of clients in the logging state versus max clients. The threshold is configurable. The default threshold is >80%.

5 Min

Total Mem Usage %

Monitors the total memory usage of all httpd processes versus total physical memory of the system. The threshold is configurable. The default threshold is >50%.

5 Min

URL Monitor

Remote monitor, which traverses the Internet and performs a simple http request and alerts when the specified timeout is exceeded. The default timeout is 120 seconds. The threshold is configurable and can be managed through the SAVVIS Station Portal.

5 Min