Lumen Cloud customers can use PowerShell to log into the Lumen Cloud API and use the resulting session token for additional API calls
- A Lumen Cloud Account
- An API user has been created
- PowerShell v4+ has been installed on client machine and is being run as administrator
General Notes
- Recommended to use PowerShell v4+ because PowerShell v3 Invoke-RestMethod has a bug with accept headers
- Tested on API v1
- API user and API password need to be entered into the script
- Script can be used from anywhere - does not have to be on Lumen Cloud network
PowerShell V1 Steps
- Use the below PowerShell code to retrieve an API session token
#log into API
$URL = 'https://api.ctl.io/REST/Auth/Logon'
#enter in your api user (v1) key and password below
$json = @"
'APIKey': 'insert api user guid', 'Password': 'insert api user password'
#log into the API via Invoke-RestMethod using JSON payload
$Result = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URL -Method POST -ContentType application/json -Body $json -SessionVariable session -verbose
#view results. Session variable can be used in future Invoke-RestMethod requests
$Result | FL
- You can now use the $session variable for authenticating further API calls. Example:
$RequestURL = 'https://api.ctl.io/REST/Account/GetAccounts/XML'
$content = Invoke-WebRequest -URI $RequestURL -Method POST -ContentType application/xml -WebSession $session -verbose
PowerShell V2 Steps
- Use the below PowerShell code to retrieve an API bearer token
#log into API
$URL = 'https://api.ctl.io/v2/authentication/login'
#enter in your api username and password below
$json = @"
'username':'insert api username', 'password':'insert api user password'
#log into the API via Invoke-RestMethod using JSON payload
$Result = Invoke-RestMethod -URI $URL -Method POST -ContentType application/json -Body $json -verbose
#view results. Session variable can be used in future Invoke-RestMethod requests
$Result | FL
#Create token to be used in all future requests
$BearerToken = "Bearer " + $Result.bearerToken.ToString()
- You can now use the $session variable for authenticating further API calls. Example:
$RequestURL = 'https://api.ctl.io/v2/groups/ALIAS/2a5c0b9662cf4fc8bf6180f139facdc0'
$content = Invoke-WebRequest -URI $RequestURL -Headers @{Authorization = $BearerToken} -Method GET -ContentType application/json -Verbose