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Lumen Cloud Guide to CLI

Updated by Gavin Lai on Jan 19, 2017
Article Code: kb/1358

Table of contents


There are two CLI interfaces available on Lumen Cloud, GO based
CLI for API v2 (explains here, currently version 1.1) and Python based CLI for API v1 and v2

For accounts, users, API v1 provides the access to this information. For the rest of the data, API v2 can be used to access this information.

The Python based SDK is crossed platform, the CLI can be ran on any Python 2.7 environment. For detail usage of Python CLI and download, please see its GitHub repository. The pre-complied windows CLI executable can be downloaded from here.
The GO based CLI can be run on Mac OSX, Linux and Windows. For release notes and download page, please see the Lumen Cloud CLI GitHub release page.
The resources available on both tools will output similar results, at this time, certain functions are only available on API v1, hence the need of both tools to capture all the functionalities of the platform.

Comparison of the two CLI tools:

CLI Python Go
API version Mostly v1 (some v2) v2
Resources accounts


  • Access to the Lumen Cloud platform as an authorized user
  • Understanding of Lumen Cloud portal
  • Scripting knowledge will help on fully utilizing the CLI
  • Python 2.7 installed in the environment for Python based CLI
  • API user account please see this KB for detail


When running commands (GO CLI command/Python CLI command)

  • alias - Account Alias, it can be found in the top left corner of the portal
  • name - name of the server or group, when creating a new server, the length limit is 6 characters
  • data-center - name of the data centers (e.g. IL1, VA1, CA1)
  • network-name/network - name of the VLAN, they can be listed using CLI
  • type - server typee
  • storage-type/backup-level - storage type, current option is standard
  • group-name/group - name of the group within the account
  • configuration-id - ID of bare metal from output of clc data-center get-baremetal-capabilities

Output and error message

  • alias - In both the output and error messages, alias can be server name/account/data-center alias
  • name - depending on the query, it can me server name, location, account name etc

Use Case Scenarios

This tool enables system administrators to interface with Lumen Cloud without programming with the API or the using the Control Portal. Automation can be achieved using scripting and other automation tools.

Installation of Lumen Cloud CLI

In order to make easy distintion between the two CLIs, clc-cli is the Python based tool and clc is the GO based tool.

Python Based CLI

Installation instruction is available here. If pip is installed, then the following command will installed the Lumen Cloud Python SDK and CLI:

pip install clc-sdk

For authentication, it can be several way, please see the README page of the CLI. In order to use a system configuration file, a clc.ini (Windows) or clc_config (POSIX) needs to be created. An example is shown below:




The CLI command is clc in Linux or MacOSX and clc-cli for Windows.
clc-cli --help will print out the help message,

usage: clc-cli.exe [-h] [--cols [COL [COL ...]]] [--config CONFIG]
                   [--v1-api-key KEY] [--v1-api-passwd PASSWORD]
                   [--v2-api-username USERNAME] [--v2-api-passwd PASSWORD]
                   [--async] [--quiet] [--verbose]
                   [--format {json,table,text,csv}]

CLI tool for interacting with the Lumen Cloud API.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cols [COL [COL ...]]
                        Include only specific columns in the output
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Ini config file
  --v1-api-key KEY      V1 API key
  --v1-api-passwd PASSWORD
                        V1 API password
  --v2-api-username USERNAME
                        V2 API username
  --v2-api-passwd PASSWORD
                        V2 API password
  --async               Return immediately after queueing long-running calls
  --quiet, -q           Supress status output (repeat up to 2 times)
  --verbose, -v         Increase verbosity
  --format {json,table,text,csv}, -f {json,table,text,csv}
                        Output result format (table is default)

    accounts            Account level activities (list, create, modify)
    users               User level activities (list, create, modify)
    servers             Server level activities (list, create, modify)
    groups              Group level activities (list, create, modify)
    billing             Billing activities
    networks            Network activities
    queue               Work queue
    blueprints          Blueprints

GO Based CLI

Installation is simple for the GO based CLI. Download the executable and run it. The detail
of the installation steps can be found here.
A configuration file can be set up with account information, the detail
steps are located here.

Below is a sample configuration file:

user: bob
password: passw0rd
defaultformat: "table"
defaultdatacenter: "CA1"
user: alice
password: pa33w0rd

clc -–help will print out the help message, --help works on options
of the command as well.

Output of clc -–help:

To get full usage information run clc without arguments.
Available resources:

Logging into the Lumen account

Using command without a configuration file:

clc-cli --v1-api-key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --v1-api-passwd xxxxxxxxxxxxx  Commands
clc login –user username –password

Or setup the configuration file as described in Installation of Lumen Cloud CLI

Output Format

For output (with --format for clc-cli or –-output for clc), there are several options:
‘JSON, TEXT, TABLE’, and 'csv'.


        "CreatedBy": "test.user.abcd",
        "CreatedDate": "2016-01-08 21:08:12"


test.user.abcd  2016-01-08 21:08:12


|   CreatedBy    |     CreatedDate     |
| test.user.abcd | 2016-01-08 21:08:12 |



READ commands

(No changes made with the following commands)
Version for Support purposes

Show the current version

clc version

List and Find

List all accounts

clc-cli accounts list

List details of an account

clc-cli accounts get -alias ABCD

List all users in an account

clc-cli users lists

Get detail of a user

clc-cli users get --alias ABCD --user "demo.user"

List all data centers

clc-cli accounts locations
clc data-centers list

List all servers in the account

clc-cli servers list
clc server list

For a particular data center

clc-cli servers list --location CA3
clc server list –-data-center ca1


clc server list -–filter “LocationID”=”CA3”

List hostname of all servers in a datacenter

clc-cli --cols Name --config config.ini servers list --location CA3
clc server list --all --filter location-id=CA3 --query details.host-name


clc server list –all --query location-id=ca3

All OS/templates available in a DC

clc data-center get-deployment-capabilities --data-center CA3 --query templates.name --output text

Example of the output (OS and templates can be used for server installation at a datacenter)


Show Bare Metal Server available in a DC

clc data-center get-baremetal-capabilities --data-center CA1

Show all “active” servers

clc server list --all --filter status=active --output table

Who/when created a server

clc server list --all --filter name=CA3ABCDADM01 --query change-info.{created-by,created-date}

Display power state and hostname

clc-cli --cols Name PowerState --config config.ini servers list-all
clc server list --all --query details.{power-state,host-name}

Display power state and Display Name
For Windows command:

clc server list --all --query Display-Name,details | findstr "DisplayName PowerState"

In Linux:

clc server list --all --query Display-Name,details | grep -e DisplayName -e PowerState

All paused servers (or started and stopped)
For Windows command:

clc server list --all --query details.{power-state,host-name} --output text | find "paused"

For Linux or MacOSX:

clc server list --all --query details.{power-state,host-name} --output text | grep "paused"

Server name with number of CPUs and memory (in MB)

clc server list --all --query "details.{cpu,memoryMB,host-name}" --output text

Find IP addresses with server name

clc-cli -f text --cols Name IPAddress --config.ini servers list-all
clc server list --all --query "details.{host-name,ipAddresses}" --output text

List all groups

clc-cli group list
clc group list –all

Find all empty groups

clc group list --filter 'servers-count=0'

Find all groups with servers

clc group list --filter 'servers-count>0'

List all network in a datacenter

clc-cli networks list --location ca3
clc network list --data-center ca3 --output table

Query the above result with Name, Description and Gateway

clc network list --data-center ca3 --query Name,Description,Gateway --output table

List all jobs in the queue

clc-cli queue list

List Blueprints (all, scripts, software and system)

clc-cli blueprints list
clc-cli blueprints list-scripts
clc-cli blueprints list-software
clc-cli blueprints list-system

Billing and Accounting

Get Month to Date billing on the account

clc-cli billing account-summary

Get invoice for a month

clc billing get-invoice-data --year 2015 --month 12

Narrow down the output with locations

clc billing get-invoice-data --year 2015 --month 12 --query LineItems.{ServiceLocation,UnitCost} --output json

Get billing for a group

clc group get-billing-details --group-name Test

Output contains:

ArchiveCost, CurrentHour, MonthToDate, MonthlyEstimate, TemplateCost

Get Billing for a server

clc-cli billing server-estimate --server CA3ABCDTEST104

For Windows:

clc group get-billing-details --group-name ceph --output text | find “hostname”

For Linux or MacOSX:

clc group get-billing-details --group-name ceph --output text | grep “hostname”

From a Master account to look in a sub-account

clc-cli account get --alias SUBA
cli-cli users list --alias SUBA
clc-cli servers list --alias SUBA
clc-cli networks list --alias SUBA
clc-cli groups list --location CA3 --alias SUBA
clc-cli billing account-summary --alias SUBA
clc server list --account-alias SUBA
clc network list --account-alias SUBA
clc group list --data-center CA3 --account-alias SUBA
clc billing get-invoice-data --account-alias SUBA --year 2016 --month 1

List group and server in a specific account

clc-cli groups list --alias ABCD
clc group list –account-alias ABCD
clc server list –account-alias ABCD

List shared load balancer and load balanced pool

clc load-balancer list --data-center ca2
clc load-balancer-pool list --data-center ca2 --load-balancer-name CLITest

List all cross data center firewall rule for an account or data center

clc crossdc-firewall-policy list --destination-acount-alias XXXX
clc crossdc-firewall-policy list --data-center CA1

Commands change the environment

(Warning: use with care)


Create a user

clc-cli users create --alias ABCD --user "new.test" --email new.test@abcd.com --first-name new --last-name test --roles AccountViewer

Possible roles: ServerAdministrator,BillingManager,DNSManager,AccountAdministrator,AccountViewer,NetworkManager,SecurityManager,ServerOperator

Create a group

clc-cli groups create --location CA3 --alias ABCD --parnet DevOps --group TestingCLI --description "Testing group"
clc group create --name "TestCA3" --description "Test Servers" --parent-group-name "CA3 Hardware"

Create a server

clc-cli servers create --alias ABCD --location CA3 --group TestingCLI --name test1 --template UBUNTU-14-64-TEMPLATE --backup-level Standard --cpu 1 --ram 1 --network vlan_771_10.xxx.yyy
clc server create --name test1 --description "test" --group-name TestingCLI --template-name UBUNTU-14-64-TEMPLATE --root-password xxxxxxxxx
--network-name vlan_771_10.xxx.yyy --cpu 1 --memory-gb 1 --type standard --storage-type standard --additional-disks sizeGB=50,type=raw

Create a bare metal server

clc server create --name test1 --group-name "My Test" --root-password xxxxxxxxx --network-name "vlan_1000_10.xxx.yyy" --type bareMetal --configuration-id 2516e341b960652f01563933d72523d9c222a437 --os-type windows2012R2DataCenter_64Bit

Create a new VLAN in a datacenter

clc network create --data-center ca3


    "Href": "",
    "Id": "",
    "Name": "",
    "Rel": "",
    "Verbs": null

Create a new Shared Load Balancer in a datacenter (initially disabled)

clc load-balancer create --data-center CA2 --name WebStore --description "For online store" --status disabled


    "Description": "For online store",
    "Id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "IpAddress": "www.xxx.yyy.zzz",
    "Name": "WebStore",
    "Pools": [],
    "Status": "disabled"

Create a new Load Balacner Pool

clc load-balancer-pool create --data-center ca2 --load-balancer-name CLITest --port 80 --method roundrobin --persistence standard

Adding servers in the load balanced pool

clc load-balancer update-nodes --data-center CA2 --load-balancer-name CLITest --pool-id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --nodes "ip-address"="10.xxx.yyy.zzz","Private-Port"=443 "ip-address"="10.xxx.yyy.zzz","Private-Port"=443,"Status"=disabled


Delete a server

clc-cli servers delete --server CA3ABCDTEST106
clc server delete --server-name CA3ABCD2TSQL01

Output looks like below:

"ErrorMessage": "",
"IsQueued": true,
"Server": "ca3abcd2tsql01"

Delete a group (will delete all servers in this group):

clc-cli groups delete --group TestGroup
clc group delete -–group-name TestGroup

Delete a Load Balanced pool

clc load-balancer-pool delete --data-center CA2 --load-balancer-name CLITest --pool-id xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Advanced Usage

The option allows the previous command finishes before running the next command

clc wait

Execute a package
CLI can execute a script or package (requires package ID and parameters for executing the package)
Package ID can be found using:

clc server execute-package --server-ids CA2ABCDMYSQLU01 --package "package-id=fcddbdf6-f5cc-4038-a088-b4e572ae2e22,parameters=xxxx yyyy"


Adding a public IP address to a server

  • NATing with an existing private IP with UDP port 4040 open
clc server add-public-ip-address --server-name CA3ABCD2TSQL01  --internal-ip-address --ports port=4040,protocol=udp
  • Nating with a new private IP with TCP port range 8080 to 8090 open
clc server add-public-ip-address --server-name CA3ABCD2TSQL01 --ports port=8080,portTo=8090,protocol=tcp
  • Update a public IP port and source IP restriction
clc server update-public-ip-address --server-name CA3ABCD2TSQL01 --public-ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --ports port=8080,portTo=8085,protocol=tcp --source-restrictions "CIDR=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/32"
  • Update a public IP port and define multiple IP restrictions
clc server update-public-ip-address --server-name CA3CCVANET4701 --public-ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --ports port=8080,portTo=8085,protocol=tcp --source-restrictions "CIDR=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/32" "CIDR=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/24"

Adding a secondary network card on a server
Please refer to the Add or Remove Network Interface to Server using Go CLI

Create firewall rule with port tcp/22 between VLANs

clc firewall-policy create --data-center CA1 --destination-account abcd --sources "10.aaa.bbb.0/24" --destinations "10.xxx.yyy.0/24" --ports tcp/22

Create a cross DC firewall policy with the same or sub account(initially disabled, can be enabled using update option)

clc crossdc-firewall-policy create --data-center CA2 --destination-account-id abcd --destination-location-id va1 --destination-cidr "10.aaa.bbb.0/24" --source-cidr "10.xxx.yyy.0/24" --enabled false


Create a snapshot for a server (maximum 10 days expiration)

clc server create-snapshot --server-ids CA3ABCDTAKE02 --snapshot-expiration-days 2

Find the snapshot ID

clc server get --server-name CA3ABCDTAKE02 --query details.snapshots.id --output text

Delete a snapshot from a server
(Snapshot ID can be retrieved from clc server get command)

clc server delete-snapshot --server-name CA3ABCDTAKE02 --snapshot-id 1

Site to Site VPN

Create Site to Site VPN

clc site-to-site-vpn create --local "alias=CA2,subnets=10.x.x.0/24" --remote "siteName=NH,deviceType=pfsense,address=76.x.x.x,subnets=" --ipsec "encryption=aes128,hashing=sha1_96,protocol=esp,pfs=group2,lifetime=28800" --ike "encryption=aes128,hashing=sha1_96,diffieHellmanGroup=group2,preSharedKey=b7fd0390436a4556a17c42f79d782eb9,lifetime=28800,mode=main,deadPeerDetection=false,natTraversal=false,remoteIdentity=false"


Create a json file for repeat usage of frequent use commands

For the example below, servername.json is created to list all the hostname of all servers in the account:

clc server list --all --query details.host-name --generate-cli-skeleton > servername.json

To use the file,

clc server list --from-file servername.json

Application Services control

Relational Database Service,Intrusion Prevention Service, Patching Service and Simple Backup Service can be managed from the GO based CLI.
The following examples show the basic functions of what can be done from the CLI.

Relational Database Service

For Relational DB, cli can manage creation, deletion, failover, notification and listing of different resources. The --help option can be used to find out more on the options. For details of Relational Database Service, please see this knowledge article.

Listing all the available data centers for this service

clc db list-datacenters

Listing database instances in a data center

clc db list --data-center IL1

Querying the ID of the database

clc db list --data-center VA1 --query ID --output text

Creating a new database with replication

clc db create --instance-type MYSQL_REPLICATION --external-id yourdb --machine-config "cpu=1,memory=2,storage=15" --backup-retention-days 5 --users "name=admin,password=XXXX" --data-center IL1

Once created, an output similar to below would include the IP address, the certificate and a summary of the configuration:

    "BackupRetentionDays": 2,
    "BackupTime": "0:0",
    "Backups": null,
    "Certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\xxxxxxxxxxxx\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
    "ExternalId": "yourdb",
    "Host": "yourdb.il1.rdbs.ctl.io",
    "Id": 3185,
    "InstanceType": "MySQL",
    "Instances": null,
    "Location": "IL1",
    "OptionGroup": "",
    "ParameterGroup": "",
    "Port": XXXXX,
    "Servers": [
            "Alias": "IL1DBXXXXXXX",
            "Attributes": {
                "INTERNAL_IP": "xx.xx.xx.xx"
            "Connections": 362,
            "Cpu": 1,
            "Id": XXXX,
            "Location": "il1",
            "Memory": 2,
            "Storage": 10
    "Status": "Configuring",
    "Users": [
            "name": "admin",
            "password": "XXXX"

Create notifications (options are 'CPU_UTILIZATION' or 'MEMORY_UTILIZATION'
or 'STORAGE_UTILIZATION' to email or SMS) for the database instance

clc db create-notification  --subscription-id 3185 --destination-type SMS --location xxxxxxxxx --notifications NotificationType=MEMORY_UTILIZATION

Patching Service

With patching, it is part of patching best practice to have roll back plan. This can be done via a snapshot, in case of bad patch or application issue, it can be reverted quickly.
Patching a server (either Windows2012 or RedHat):

clc os-patch apply --server-ids CA3ABCDTAKE02 --os-type Windows2012

List the patching status or result:

clc os-patch list --server-name CA3ABCDTAKE02

Sample outputs
Patching is running:

        "End_time": "",
        "Execution_id": "CA3-XXXXX",
        "Init_messages": [
                "End_time": "",
                "Init_begin_message": "Invoking SUS API",
                "Init_end_message": "",
                "Start_time": "2016-04-05 04:14:14"
        "Start_time": "2016-04-05 04:14:10",
        "Status": "RUNNING"

Completed patching output:

        "End_time": "2016-04-05 04:34:14",
        "Execution_id": "CA3-XXXXX,
        "Init_messages": [
                "End_time": "2016-04-05 04:34:12",
                "Init_begin_message": "Invoking SUS API",
                "Init_end_message": "Update Process Complete. There are 0 update
s to install",
                "Start_time": "2016-04-05 04:31:51"
                "End_time": "2016-04-05 04:28:11",
                "Init_begin_message": "Invoking SUS API",
                "Init_end_message": "Updates Downloaded Successfully downloaded
4 updates to install##https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3127231 https://sup
port.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3122660 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/30987
85 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3135998##",
                "Start_time": "2016-04-05 04:25:15"
        "Start_time": "2016-04-05 04:14:10",
        "Status": "COMPLETED"

Review of the a patching execution

clc os-patch list-details --server-name CA3ABCDTAKE02 --execution-id CA3-XXXXX

Sample Output:

    "Begin_message": "Update Process BEGIN",
    "Duration": "20m 4s",
    "End_message": "Updating Complete",
    "End_time": "2016-04-05 04:34:14",
    "Execution_id": "CA3-XXXXX",
    "Patches": [
            "End_time": "2016-04-05 04:28:26",
            "Patch_begin_message": "Installing Security Update for Microsoft .NE
T Framework 4.6 and 4.6.1 for Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2 for x64 (KB3135998)
            "Patch_end_message": "Result Code: 2",
            "Start_time": "2016-04-05 04:28:26",
            "Status": "COMPLETED"
            "End_time": "2016-04-05 04:16:32",
            "Patch_begin_message": "Installing Update for Windows Server 2012 R2
            "Patch_end_message": "Result Code: 2",
            "Start_time": "2016-04-05 04:16:32",
            "Status": "COMPLETED"
    "Start_time": "2016-04-05 04:14:10",
    "Status": "COMPLETED"


Currently only works on MacOSX and Linux CLI, fixes for Windows version is pending:
Adding a new 20GB disk to an existing server

clc server update '{"ServerId": "CA3ABCDSVR01","Disks" : {"Keep" : [{ "DiskId": "0:0", "SizeGB": 1},{ "DiskId": "0:1", "SizeGB": 2},{ "DiskId": "0:2", "SizeGB": 16},{ "SizeGB": 20}]}}'

Increase Disk 0:3 size to 40 GB

clc server update '{"ServerId": "CA3ABCDSVR01","Disks" : {"Keep" : [{ "DiskId": "0:0", "SizeGB": 1},{ "DiskId": "0:1", "SizeGB": 2},{ "DiskId": "0:2", "SizeGB": 16},{ "DiskId": "0:3", "SizeGB": 40}]}}'

Removing Disk 0:3 from the server (Backup data before removal)

clc server update '{"ServerId": "CA3ABCDSVR01","Disks" : {"Keep" : [{ "DiskId": "0:0", "SizeGB": 1},{ "DiskId": "0:1", "SizeGB": 2},{ "DiskId": "0:2", "SizeGB": 16}]}}'

Simple Backup Service

Simple Backup Service provides a set and forget backup solution to Lumen Cloud customers, to learn more, please refer to this knowledge article. With CLI access to Simple Backup Service, it gives customers more management flexibility on managing their backup.

Create a backup policy:

clc backup create-account-policy --name CLICreated --os-type Windows --paths "c:\\users" e:\\" --excluded-directory-paths "e:\\temp" --backup-interval-hours 24 --retention-days 2

Update an existing backup policy (adding /data, excluding /data/tmp and changing interval to 48 hours, retention days cannot be changed)

clc backup update-account-policy --policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --name Linux-backup --os-type Linux --backup-interval-hours 48 --retention-days 7 --paths "/opt/local" "/usr/local" "/data" --excluded-directory-paths "/usr/local/tmp" "/data/tmp" --status ACTIVE

Apply a policy to a server

clc backup apply-policy --account-policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --server-name CA3ABCDTAKE02 --storage-region CANADA

Unapply a policy to a server

clc backup unapply-policy --account-policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --server-policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Enable/Disable a policy on a server (Status: ACTIVE/INACTIVE)

clc backup update-server-policy --account-policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --server-policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --status INACTIVE

List various objects in Simple Backup Service

List of datacenters and storage regions

clc backup get-data-centers
clc backup get-regions

List of servers in a datacenter

clc backup get-servers --data-center-name "CA3 - Canada (Toronto)"

List of supported OS

clc backup get-os-types

List of available/applied policies in the account

clc backup get-account-policies --account-alias ABCD
clc backup get-account-policy --policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
clc backup get-applied-account-policies --policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
clc backup get-applied-server-policies --server-name CA3ABCDTAKE02
clc backup get-allowed-account-policies --server-name CA3ABCDTAKE02

List of restore points/data

clc backup get-stored-data --account-policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --server-policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --search-date 2016-04-07
clc backup get-restore-point-details --account-policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --server-policy-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx  --backup-finished-start-date 2016-02-06 --backup-finished-end-date 2016-04-07 --sort-by retentionExpiredDate

Utilization Report

Lumen Cloud stores the utilization report of a server for the past 14 days. The statistics include CPU, Memory, Disk usage and Network. There are three options of retrieving statistics:

  • latest (returns a single data point that reflects the last monitoring data collected)
  • hourly (returns data points for each sampleInterval value between the start and end times provided)
  • realtime (returns data from the last 4 hours, available in smaller increments)

Request a realtime statistics realtime from the Test group

clc group get-monitoring-statistics --group-name Test --type realtime --start "2017-09-11 12:00:00" --sample-interval "01:00:00"

Request statistics from September 1 to 7th in CSV format

clc group get-monitoring-statistics --group-name Test --type hourly --start "2017-09-01 00:00:00" --end "2017-09-07 00:00:00" --sample-interval "01:00:00" --output csv

Reuqest statistics realtime (last 4 hours) in 30 minutes interval

Webhook (only avaiable until version v1.1.0-rc.2)

CLI can be used to configure webhooks, this enable customers to leverage the alert notification webhook services built into Lumen Cloud with 3rd party web apps or services. The current event list are: "Account.Created", "Account.Delted", "Account.Updated", "Alert.Notificiation", "Server.Created", "Server.Deleted", "Server.Updated", "User.Created", "User.Deleted", "User.Updated". To learn more on setup webhook in Lumen Cloud, please see Configuring Webhooks and Consuming Notificatios.

List all current webhook

clc webhook list

Create a new webhook notification

clc webhook add-targeturi --event Server.Created --target-uri "https://zapier.com/hooks/catch/your-zpaier-id/"

Delete an event notification

clc webhook delete --event Server.Created

Update and existing notification

clc update --event Server.Deleted --recursive true --target-uri "https://zapier.com/hooks/catch/your-zpaier-id/"
