Change Management

Updated by Ian Davidson on Jun 01, 2022
Article Code: kb/924

All changes performed by Lumen Cloud will be done in compliance with the following criteria:

1. All Network changes will be performed outside of local data center time of 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday, to provide greater network stability during core business hours. The exception is for break/fix work during an Urgent Incident or in extreme circumstances. Changes to customer configurations are also excluded - these can be performed at anytime upon request.

2. All of the change types listed below can be performed as an emergency change where maintenance needs to be performed immediately except where it conflicts with section 1 above. In these abnormal situations, no customer notification is required.

Change Type




This category covers maintenance that is expected to have no customer impact. All live customer data MUST be migrated off the maintenance affected systems / devices before this change is done.

No customer notification is required

Potentially Disruptive

This category covers maintenance where Lumen Cloud cannot remove or migrate the live customer data from the system but it is expected that the maintenance will have no customer impact. An example of this is upgrading the redundant controllers on storage units that allow hot upgrading. It is highly recommended to migrate as much live customer data off of the hardware/service that is about to undergo maintenance.

(48 hours in advance) Customers, Partners, and Lumen Cloud will be notified via email. This list will be derived from control.


This category covers maintenance where a change that is going to be made will cause a noticeable outage to the customers.

(96 hours in advance)  Customers, Partners, and Lumen Cloud will be notified via email. This list will be derived from control.