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Using MSDN License in the Lumen Cloud

Updated by Eric Schubert on Aug 25, 2015
Article Code: kb/1375


MDSN Licensing Amended

In November 2014, Microsoft amended its MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) package license terms to enable use of said licenses in only their Azure cloud and dedicated hosted environments. The ability to run MSDN licenses on third party clouds- such as Lumen Cloud has been removed by Microsoft.

"Active MSDN subscribers can install and run the software included in their subscription for development and testing purposes in a dedicated hosted environment provided by a SPLA partner. Alternatively, they may deploy the MSDN software on Azure. Any current MSDN subscriber who has activated their subscription is licensed to run the MSDN software (except for Windows and Windows Server) on Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines."

This information is subject to change. Lumen provides guidance on licensing but ultimately it is the responsibilty of the customer to ensure licensing compliance. Please consult your specific Microsoft license agreement or work with your Microsoft Licensing Representative for further clarification or updates.